Thursday, October 23, 2008


Brandon and I have a new obsession. We are addicted to the game Twirl on Facebook. We play this game almost every day together. The game is simple. They give you six letters and you need to create three, four, five, and six letter words out of those letters. To qualify for the next round you must get the six letter word before the two minute timer runs out. It doesn't sound like much but it is so addicting! If you want to give Twirl a whirl you can go to either mine or Brandon's facebook page. If you look at our mini feed you will see that we probably played Twirl today. Just click on the link and have fun. But watch's addicting!


Aubrey said...

Ok, I can't find you on facebook. Add me, I want to play! :)

Liz said...

I love that game! Only, I play on yahoo games and it's called TextTwist. One night, my brothers and I stayed up until 4 in the morning just playing that game. I guess I should stop making fun of people who play Risk all night if I can sit in front of a computer and spell words all night....Nah, I'll keep making fun of them ;)

Unknown said...

haha...It's comforting to hear I'm not the only one with obsessions. I haven't tried the game yet but I've played one that sounds similar. I'll have to check it out! How's work going?

Grant said...

You will need to teach us how to play when we come to Seattle.