I don't have too much to report. Brandon is through with busy season. Hurray!! Now he comes home around 6 or 7pm. I am still working per diem at Overlake Hospital on the cardiac unit. Some weeks I work over full time and other weeks I barely work part time. It is nice to have the variety and I definitely like this job better than my old job in the radiology department.
This weekend one of my old roommates from BYU was in town so I got to go out to lunch with her and catch up. We live in her home ward so it is fun to know we will stay in touch whenever she comes back to visit. She and her husband are living in Texas and just bought a house. We are super jealous!!
Brandon also spoke in church on Sunday. He did an amazing job and didn't even write anything down (I could never do that because I would lose my train of thought too easily)! He talked about preparing for General Conference which is coming up in just 2 weeks--I can't wait.
One year ago on March 22 Brandon asked me to marry him. It is crazy to think about all that has happened in one year! I remember the first time he ever mentioned the "M" word. It was a Sunday evening in my apartment. We were sitting on my roommates love sac watching a CES fireside. Of course the fireside was about eternal marriage which I'm sure helped encourage him to start a converstaion we both had been avoiding for some time. Brandon had accepted his job with Ernst and Young and needed to make a decision about when to start---either in August or October. He had told me he needed to make a decision on his start date about a week earlier. He had mentioned it casually like he was telling me what he ate for lunch that day but obviously it was a big deal because it meant we had decide what was going to happen to us at the end of the summer. I knew he was thinking about it and I DEFINTELY was thinking about it but I was NOT going to be the first one to bring it up. So for over a week I skirted around the issue by changing the subject every time he mentioned his job with E&Y. I'm not exactly sure how the converstaion started that night but before I knew it we were talking about our options for when he needed to move up to Seattle. First he started talking about doing the long distance thing...I immediately vetoed that idea. We are both not good phone talkers and there was no way our relationship would last through that...so honestly what would be the point. Then he suggested I move up to Seattle and we could continue dating. Yeah right!!...my life was way too great in Utah (family, friends, job) to move and then have Brandon and I not work out. I guess he realized at that point if he was going to keep me around he would have to make a bigger committment. So then he pulled out the big guns and mentioned the "M" word. As they say...the rest is history. I'll have to post about when he actually proposed to me another time.